ProjectsCool Projects I Have Created and Worked on over the years

This is a place for me to add projects I have worked on and designed. This is an ever growing area of my site where i try and add items that im currently or have worked on in the past. Please feel free to learn from or use all example below.

Table of Contents

  1. Logos / Artwork

  2. Websites

  3. PHP

  4. Coldfusion

  5. Javascript

  6. Java

  7. C#

  8. SQL

1. Logos / Artwork

2. Websites

Featured Websites

Old Websites

3. PHP

4. Coldfusion

Please note these coldfusion examples are just code.

5. Javascript

6. Java

7. C#

8. SQL

Copyright © 2013 John David Ayers (Evilchinesefood). All rights reserved.